Sunday, June 21, 2020

Is it good to Watch Horror Movies during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is very beautiful phase of women's life. During pregnancy many elders friends gives many suggestions and advice do and don't during pregnancy. It is said that during during pregnancy what lady see, watch and eat will affect the baby in worm. Their are many myths relating to pregnancy. 

Can Pregnant Women watch Horror Movies?
During Pregnancy question arise at least once to watch movie when pregnant? It is not only our elders who strictly advice to pregnant ladies not to watch Horror movie during pregnancy but also doctors suggest to avoid during pregnancy. But their is any logic behind this or else it is completely myth.

Watching Horror movie will increased heartbeats or blood pressure and stress which will make baby uncomfortable.  The effect of movie depend on the stress the movie effected to the pregnant lady. Sometimes the effect is lead to hormonal changes which is not good for pregnant lady and baby. So, it is better to avoid during pregnancy.

Watching Horror movie effect on Baby?
Baby start responding to mother's action from third month of pregnancy as the organs develops. If pregnant lady take stress then it will in turn affect the baby. It can lead to Pre- maturity delivery or some complication during pregnancy.

if pregnant lady is use to watch Horror movie  or withstand bloodshed and horror things without getting much scared and excited, then it's will not harm baby. It is said that anything that give stress to pregnant lady should be avoided.

Tips for Pregnant Women
Things to keep in mind especially during phase of pregnancy.
  • After third month of pregnancy it is advice to avoid loud music or things that affect the pregnant lady.

  • If you going out in theater to watch movie then it is better to avoid that as the lady has to seat straight for couple of hours in same position which is not good for pregnant lady.

  • It is advice to listen to Light and soft songs and keep pregnant  women mind and mood happy. as it will reduce chance of prematurity delivery, and increase chance of healthy and normal delivery.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Essentials During Pregnancy-For Mom To Be

Hello Ladies!! In this Blog I will posting things a pregnant woman needs. Pregnancy is beautiful phase of women's life but one that comes with a lot of uncertainties, doubt and fears. I uses most of this on daily basis and they are truly life changing. You can get ideas to gifts for newly pregnant friend or expectant mother gift basket.

This pillow is require during and after 5 month of pregnancy, belly size increase for back support and belly support.

This is required when your belly size increase. For Stretch Mark. oil is useful for massage for blood circulations.

You really need "a good book or resource about what's normal and what's not normal. It will be book or close one.

Good Moisturizer also helps, as pregnant women skin get dry or it feel itchy.

5. Prenatal Vitamins
Prenatal vitamins is important before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and after pregnancy. Take this after doctors consultations.

6. Maternity Belt
Maternity Belt help to prevent or reduce pregnancy related back pain. This belt is useful during pregnancy and after pregnancy also. But this two belt are different during pregnancy belt  and after pregnancy belt 

During Pregnancy your Shoe/Flat Size increases. During pregnancy try to use flat shoe. Don't use heels you may likely to fall or it may affect you during your pregnancy. During Pregnancy try to buy shoe or Flat of extra size due to swelling.

8.  New Bras
Pregnant women need to buy new bras as during pregnancy your size increases. Bra hook extender is required during first 4 month of pregnancy. After 4 month breast size increases to one cup size and while breast feeding  it will increase to one cup size Breast Feeding Bras is known as Nursing Bra

Comfortable loose fitting cloths is important during pregnancy. there are many Comfortable Maternity Jeans available online

Maternity Essential you must Buy Soft Toothbrush as most of pregnant women experience swollen and bleeding Gums.

This are some of the pregnancy essentials you must invest in. This will be help a lot during pregnancy time. We know it is expensive but you make proper budget and plan and buy this for ease during pregnancy. I have given link for the items which are of reasonable rates. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Pregnancy Dress

During Pregnancy our wardrobe changes as all dresses became fit. So here are few dress you can wear during pregnancy and look stylish and up to date during Third Trimester of your Pregnancy. 5 dresses for Pregnant Woman.

I have mention link to the dress as discount offer is going on for this. Grab offer.

4.  Pink Dress

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Seven Month Pregnancy and Lockdown due to Coronavirus.

In Seven month what mother feelings, emotions,this was third trimester of my pregnancy. In this period I feel nervous about delivery and after delivery. Pain during delivery. Delivery will be normal delivery or C-section. Top of that their is lockdown due to Coronavirus. That is very serious virus which is spreading quickly and their is no medicine for this. Stay home stay safe.

During this period I suddenly feel like I become more sensible and knowledgeable. For this I have started to think positive, take deep breath, pranayama, reading positive messages and most importantly stayed at home, kept safe distance from others, wear mask, used sanitizer. Take this period positively you can spend more time with family and with your baby. 

Emotions play important role during this period you should be emotionally strong during this period of time. Emotion change during this period for silly reasons but divert yourself to positive. As lockdown is there for 21 days their is shortage of groceries, vegetables and fruits in market. Emotionally you have to be strong. Family plays important role during this period. Find the calcium, nutrients in alternate source of food. Maintain your daily diet eat healthy. Eating healthy diet also help to be emotionally positive to baby and also to the mother. Watch, think, read positive relating to great leaders their hard work, journey to their success. Plan about financial future. 

During this lockdown I got some time to learn different stages of labor and delivery options.

I'll give few suggestions during this period.
1. Talk with close one (such as husband, mother) share your feeling, emotions.
2. Watch  good movies, episodes Such as Good Newws movie.
4. Write your emotions, feelings in dairy, blogs
5. Play with little one in your neighbor's.
6. Follow your Hobby.
7. Do yoga, meditation or else walk at home.
8. Learn new skills, art.
9. Try some new dishes and share with friends.
10. Listen to music.
11. Find your interest.
12. Decorate, renovate your room.
13. Older pictures and memories of younger you and your husband.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

My Life Touching Pregnancy Journey

First movement to know that I was pregnant that day that movement I can't be describe in words. Words will fall short. but still trying to describe in few words.
I know every pregnancy is different yet journey too but real experience of other help to understand and tackle the situation and mentally prepared. I hope my journey will help few of you. 
I missed my period and was having pain in stomach so we went to meet our family doctor. Doctor ask about symptoms and suggested to do pregnancy test. I was nervous about the same. Next day we did pregnancy test using pregnancy kit and it came positive. Like every Indian lady we thank god first. I also thanks god first then gave call to husband. he was happy. Call home and told. All were happy to hear that new member will be coming in family.
Our family doctor suggested maternity doctor. so, next day we book appointment with the doctor and met doctor. he done initial ultrasound to confirm pregnancy, shown us tiny dot on screen that was our baby. done all registration work and doctor first told to do few tests such as Thyroid, Sugar, HIV to know health of mother. That time I was 2nd month pregnant.

Then journey of Pregnancy is divided into three Phase which are called trimesters. 

First trimester (1-12 weeks) 

Second trimester (13-26 Weeks)
Third trimester (27 to the end of pregnancy)
Normal full term pregnancy is 40 weeks can range from 37 to 42 weeks.

First trimester is vital for the development of your baby.  Initially it is said not to tell this to others till you complete three month of pregnancy as logically their is chance of miscarriage during this period. During this period you should take care of yourself not to lift any more weight object/items. Till now I was not getting any symptoms of pregnancy such as vomiting or fainting. But after 2 month completion in 3rd month I feel like vomiting, disliking items which I like before, feel like sleeping, headaches.

Solution for such Morning Sickness.

1. Avoid dehydrating can really help but try regular sips and fluid rather than drinking lot at once.
2. Try to eat biscuit or dry toast in morning when you wake up- This will help you as can taking it slowly first thing
3. Have coconut water.
4. Have fresh Breakfast/Lunch /Dinner- during my pregnancy I was working so it was not possible to have fresh hot meal so I use have heavy breakfast and take lunch with me for office and use to have food after 2 hours such as dry fruits, fruits, biscuits etc.
it is advisable during pregnancy if you don't feel like eating meals then try to eat it in small meal or eat something the you like. but never do fasting during pregnancy as it will not only harm you but also affect baby who is growing inside you.

5. During pregnancy your sense of smell will be heightened leading to more food making  you feel nauseous

6. divide your meal into small portion after 2 hours.
7. Avoid having food which you don't like.

8. Prenatal vitamins are advised by the doctors and this should be take after doctor prescriptions only
"I find that eating little and in small portion helped me. I usually eat  dry amala (Indian gooseberry) during my third month of pregnancy. Eating amala during pregnancy  provide a wide range of benefits for the mother and child."
 Mother should take extra care of herself. Many kits are available online which you can buy.
Journey to the Second trimester will post in next blog.

Is it good to Watch Horror Movies during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is very beautiful phase of women's life. During pregnancy many elders friends gives many suggestions and advice do and don&#...