Sunday, June 21, 2020

Is it good to Watch Horror Movies during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is very beautiful phase of women's life. During pregnancy many elders friends gives many suggestions and advice do and don't during pregnancy. It is said that during during pregnancy what lady see, watch and eat will affect the baby in worm. Their are many myths relating to pregnancy. 

Can Pregnant Women watch Horror Movies?
During Pregnancy question arise at least once to watch movie when pregnant? It is not only our elders who strictly advice to pregnant ladies not to watch Horror movie during pregnancy but also doctors suggest to avoid during pregnancy. But their is any logic behind this or else it is completely myth.

Watching Horror movie will increased heartbeats or blood pressure and stress which will make baby uncomfortable.  The effect of movie depend on the stress the movie effected to the pregnant lady. Sometimes the effect is lead to hormonal changes which is not good for pregnant lady and baby. So, it is better to avoid during pregnancy.

Watching Horror movie effect on Baby?
Baby start responding to mother's action from third month of pregnancy as the organs develops. If pregnant lady take stress then it will in turn affect the baby. It can lead to Pre- maturity delivery or some complication during pregnancy.

if pregnant lady is use to watch Horror movie  or withstand bloodshed and horror things without getting much scared and excited, then it's will not harm baby. It is said that anything that give stress to pregnant lady should be avoided.

Tips for Pregnant Women
Things to keep in mind especially during phase of pregnancy.
  • After third month of pregnancy it is advice to avoid loud music or things that affect the pregnant lady.

  • If you going out in theater to watch movie then it is better to avoid that as the lady has to seat straight for couple of hours in same position which is not good for pregnant lady.

  • It is advice to listen to Light and soft songs and keep pregnant  women mind and mood happy. as it will reduce chance of prematurity delivery, and increase chance of healthy and normal delivery.

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Is it good to Watch Horror Movies during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is very beautiful phase of women's life. During pregnancy many elders friends gives many suggestions and advice do and don&#...